The Water factor
Updated: Aug 28, 2024
We are water and water is Life! Water makes up 60% of our bodies and of course we need it to stay alive, but we also need it to help the energy flow through us and ground us. Just as with electricity, water is a conductor of energy and helps to raise our frequency and bring balance to us on many levels. We all often use the power of water to invigorate ourselves when we submerse in it. But did you know, we can also pull positive energy or release negative energy from it by immersing even just our hands in it. All it requires is intention. Whether near a stream, lake, pond or a sink of water, taking a few moments to connect with the water will have positive results to our flow state.

Water also holds memory. Dr. Masaru Emoto did experiments freezing water that had been sent either negative words and intentions or positive words and intentions and the frozen ice crystals revealed differences in the structure depending on if it had been "influenced" with one or the other. Water measured on the Bovis scale will show that positively influenced water is much higher in "life force" than negatively influenced water or water that was not influenced at all. Writing a positive affirmation and placing a glass of water on it for a while or a placing a sticker with a positive affirmation on your water bottle will increase that life force and you can drink that vibration right into your body.